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(maximum 1000 words, excluding tables, figures and references


Paper and presentation proposals must include:


Separate title page that includes:

  • Name of the author(s), affiliation, contact information (email) and position held in institution

Proposal) document that includes:

  • List of a maximum of 5 key-words

  • Theme of the conference you are submitting the proposal to

  • Resume of proposal that includes (when appropriate):

    • Theoretical framework

    • Methodology

    • Synthesis of preliminary results

    • Implications for research and practice


Once accepted, those that would like their papers to be considered for publication in the colloquium acts must submit a full version by May 12th 2017 (maximum of 8000 words, including references, figures and tables).


Round Tables


Round table proposals will provide a three-page summary that includes three sections. The first shows the title, the objective and the relevance of this round table for one or more of the conference themes, as well as an example of the issues around which participants will debate. The second section lists the participants (they must have previously indicated their agreement), their contact information as well as the relevance of each participant for the round table, here it should specify their expertise on the subject. Finally, the third section presents a summary of the round table content and how it will be presented, taking into account its duration which will be 90 minutes including 30 minutes that should be devoted to exchanges with the audience.

Doctoral consortium proposals

Doctoral candidates wishing to partake in the workshop shall submit a 3-page document containing the following:

  • Name and affiliation of the doctoral candidate

  • Contact information (email and phone)

  • Summary of research topic, methodology, and expected results

  • Difficulties encountered (or expected to), or points of discussion the author would wish to address

  • List of the major bibliographic references (5-10) used to form a theoretical basis to support the thesis.

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