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Approximately five percent of individuals who hold the position of CEO in a Fortune 500 company are female, with only four percent of the total representing a visible minority (Catalyst, 2016). This large disparity in race and gender roles is an issue at the forefront of business, and affects more than simply Fortune 500’s. 15.1% of businesses in the U.S. are minority-owned (Entrepreneur, 2016), almost all of which are small businesses. From entrepreneurialism to top level positions, diversity in leadership at present is misrepresentative of the population, and has become a key conversation in the business world. This conference addresses the issues behind diversity in leadership roles, by holding critical debates and discussions, and promoting the dissemination of critical knowledge we aim to also talk about diversity in leadership styles and the positives impacts of diversity.


This conference represents academics and professionals. Because of this collaboration, the most relevant and emergent topics will lead conversation and debate, yielding impactful insights.


Contributions to this conference are welcome on any topic related to diversity in leadership. Formats encouraged include presentations, round table discussions, academic papers, and more (based upon approval). Preference will be given towards proposals focusing on relevant issues conducive to wide dissemination.

Submissions will be blind-reviewed by a scientific committee. By submitting a proposal, authors agree that if accepted, at least one of the authors will present the research at the conference. In submitting a proposal, authors certify their work to be free of copyright and that it has not been previously published. Submissions may be submitted in either English or French, but presentation of research will be in English.


Proposals are to be submitted electronically to When submitting you need to mention the theme and sub theme for your proposal.

Call for Papers


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