Ben Guerir and Marrakech in the premises of the UM6P from January 16th to 20th, 2023.
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Round Tables & Communications
Submitted papers may present the results of empirical studies, the proposal of new conceptual frameworks, and/or a reflection on the current state of knowledge. Two types of papers are accepted: papers for presentation only (7 pages maximum, including endnotes, bibliography and appendices), and papers for presentation with submission of a long article (20 pages maximum, including endnotes, bibliography and appendices).
Only communications with a long article may, if the evaluators deem their contribution significant or original, be submitted for distribution in one of the following two media:
Possible publication in the Management International (MI) journal, classified “A” by HCEERS-2015 and “Category 2” by the FNEGE. In such a case, the format of the manuscripts must comply with the editorial and editorial policies of the MI Journal: (https://journals.qu.edu.qa/index.php/SBE/)
Publication in conference proceedings.
The body of the paper proposal for empirical research should consist of three sections. The first section which presents the relevant literature review, objective, main research question and contribution of the proposal. The second section presents the methodology. The third presents the potential practical contributions, the results if they are available, the limits of the study as well as the lines of thought for future research. References, tables, and figures will be presented at the end of the document.
The paper proposal of a theoretical/conceptual nature should include a review of relevant literature and a clear demonstration of its contribution to existing literature. Just like empirical propositions, references, tables, and figures should be presented at the end of the article.
The proposals for round tables or panels aim to bring together recognized experts in their field, whether they are researchers, managers, activists, members of NGOs or political representatives, around an important theme relevant to the field of CSR/SRO.
If accepted, the speakers, in addition to sharing their knowledge, analyzes and experiences, will be invited to debate and answer questions from the audience.
The round table proposal, summarized in a maximum of 3 pages, includes three sections. The first presents the title, objective, and relevance of this round table; as well as an example of the questions around which the participants will debate. The second section presents the participants (they must have previously indicated their agreement), their contact details as well as the relevance of each participant for the round table – here we will make sure to specify their expertise on the subject. Finally, the third section presents the expected course of the round table, considering that its duration, which will be 90 minutes, of which 30 minutes must be devoted to discussions with the audience.
The name of the file of any submission must respect the following rule: last name and the first letter of the first name of the first author with a doc or pdf extension.