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5th International CSR conference

June 27th to the 29th, Casablanca

Registration fees

100 euros students from the North
50 euros students from the South (emerging economies)
150 euros for praticiens;
250 euros for professors from the North;
100 euros for professors from the South (emerging economies) ;
Reception: 50 euros for professors; 25 euros for students. 

Special call for abstract and presentation only: deadline May 1st 2018

Location: ISCAE, Casablanca
June 27-29th 2018
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A not to be missed high level event!

The 5th International conference on CSR is an opportunity to get acquainted with the latest research related to CSR, and more particularly on research related to the themes of this edition:

- Responsible Finance and Alternative Finance
- Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation for Pro-Social Development
- Socially Responsible Education

This scientific event is further distinct from other events by a partnership with the International Management journal (IM). In keeping with its mission to accompany and support emerging researchers, the IM journal, ranked “A”in HCEERS-2015, and in category 2 of the ranking of the FNEGE-2013, is partnering with the conference.

The conference will be preceded by a doctoral workshop, including a seminar and mentoring workshop on the writing of scientific texts, to be held on 26-27 June at ISCAE. Finally, a student competition for social entrepreneurship projects will close the conference during the closing ceremonies on the evening of June 29 2018.

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